What about me?

 A little something about me

My name is Therese, and I was born in 1982.

I´m the youngest of 3 siblings.

I live together with Fredrik, who has been in my life since 1999.
So, there is us two, our cats (Danzig and Strumpan) and a turtle named Glen.

Ever since I was young, I´v had my goals set on becoming someone with my art.
And now i´m here, older, but I´m hopeful that my experience has increased equally as much as my age. For a time of eight years I have been completely without any inspiration of creating anything. Then, about 1,5 years ago I went back to school with the goal of becoming an arts teacher.

I´m a surrealist... I´m someone else.... I am me.

At the age 10 I discovered Salvador Dalí. This birthday I received a book from my brother, containing all of Dalís art and history.

I find my inner pictures in sadness, fear, horror and darkness. There is always something taking up my mind and trying to push me away. Most of the times it´s just me.

My art and creativeness, has always been my way of getting thru all my obstacles in life. I put words to my feelings and thoughts. They become my most intimate and I peel my skin of, for everyone to see and judge.
Even though most of my pictures was made a long time ago, I can´t bare getting rid of them. They are all a piece of me. They create me and tell my story.

Would you like to get to know me? That sounds interesting.

I want to move and to question. I want you to get pulled in and translate me from your own perception. No taught can be wrong.

This, I want to share with you.
