Welcome in to my head


Within me

  I want you to follow me
My hand shivers in the dark as I grasp for the light.
I know you are there like a shadow.
Like footsteps weighing down the road ahead, and I tremble.

Sometimes I see you,
don´t know if you´re aware.
I share your innermost thoughts.
It´s obstacles suffocates me.

So much black.
The only thing I know.
In the darkness I become someone else.
Nothing, nothing at all.

Words holding me down.
They banish those who struggles.
So still,
but I sense a storm approaching,
That´s how I travel.
You rip me to shreds,
but still I linger.

With eyes finding nowhere to rest.
Nothing solid, nothing certain.

Stares judging me,
Stabbing and cutting.
Small, small pieces
which origins from nowhere.
Can you see me?

Roots wittering
as the famine grabs a hold.
Fallen to the ground.
From dust am I.
                                              Therese E -10