Odd Nerdrum

Odd Nerdrum is a Norwegian artist, which I first encountered at the age of 19. It was during an exhibition at Kulturhuset (House of culture in Stockholm, Sweden) that I first came in contact with his art. I went back to this exhibition 3 times, dragging with me both my parents and my boyfriend.
Not particularly surprising, my parent was almost disgusted, but my boyfriend was intrigued.

Odd uses a technical skill, which accordingly to me makes him god enough to be compared to the most important classical artists. His paintings contains naked bodies in odd arrangements. He paints children and deceased persons. All of these people seems to origin from a time several hundred years ago. A lower class of simple and often poor people. There are dancing men, an hermaphrodite and women peeing.

His art often affects people in a bad way, still having the affect of intriguing almost anyone.

During this exhibition there where posters all over town with a drawing of Odd, himself. He has portrayed himself wearing expensive clothes from the same time as his other paintings, grabbing a hold of his shirt, revealing his erected penis. There is no surprise in peoples reaction to this. His special style otherwise, is his use of earth colors and a photogenic finish throughout his paintings.